The Seven Hermetic Principles and the Nature of Reality.


We can gain a deep understanding of ourselves and the nature of reality by studying ancient Hermetic teachings. These universal principles were allegedly taught by Hermes Trismegistus. What do the seven Hermetic principles reveal about the reality and nature of our world?

The Principle of Mentalism

The concept of "All is Mind" means that everything in existence originates from thought or consciousness. As matter consists of vibrating energy and atoms, and only exists in a probability state, even our physical world is mental in nature. There is more to thoughts than just abstractions inside our heads. Thoughts have the power to shape our reality. People can experience physical changes simply by believing that they received medicine, as is shown by the placebo effect.

The Principle of Correspondence

The inner world of thoughts and ideas corresponds to the outer world of the physical. It is said, "As above, so below; as below, so above." What manifests on the outer plane originates from the inner mental plane. On a macro scale, we can observe how an architect's ideas and blueprints precede the actual construction of a house. DNA molecules provide genetic information to a cell via precise correspondence on a micro scale.

The Principle of Vibration

All things in the universe vibrate at their own frequency, from atoms to planets to light itself. Despite its solid appearance, physical matter is actually made up of vibrating energy. If you pluck one guitar string, multiple notes will be produced. Although only one string is visible, it vibrates to create multiple sounds. In order to reach higher planes of existence and uplift ourselves, we need to practice positive thinking, meditation, and healthy living habits.

The Principle of Polarity

Everything, like light and dark, hot and cold, positive and negative, contains opposing poles or opposite truths. A gradient exists between these two poles representing different extremes of the same thing. As the day transitions into night, there are moments of balance during sunrise and sunset. Spring and fall are moderate, but winter transitions into summer. To gain wisdom, we must seek a balance between polarities instead of being stuck at either extreme.

The Principle of Rhythm

According to the Principle of Polarity, this principle manifests as a pendulum swing between the poles of duality. Nature's cycles and our lives follow a natural rhythm - each day is half light and half dark, the seasons change from summer to winter. It is natural for our moods to fluctuate. In order to master the principle of rhythm, we must rise above the swings of emotions and energies into a state of equilibrium.

The Principle of Cause and Effect

Every effect has an underlying cause, and every cause has an effect. Karma is the law that actions generate energies that reverberate back to us. When we take positive actions, we align ourselves with the flow of the universe and achieve positive results, while when we take negative actions, we create disharmony and ultimately suffer harm. The ability to understand cause and effect allows us to take control of how our thoughts and behaviors affect our lives.

The Principle of Gender

Gender manifests on every plane of existence, according to this principle. Masculine qualities include assertiveness, forcefulness, logical thinking, and direction. Feminine qualities include creativity, nurturing, intuition, and yielding. There is a need for both masculine and feminine energies to be in harmony, whether it is within ourselves, in our relationships, in our societies, or in our physical environment. Ecosystems, for example, depend on a balance between masculine forces like the sun and feminine aspects like the earth. We gain wisdom and mastery by balancing our own masculine and feminine qualities.

As a result of the seven Hermetic principles, we gain a profound understanding of ourselves, our world, and reality itself. We can achieve greater harmony with ourselves, others, and the cosmos by internalizing these universal laws. I find it fascinating that these ancient teachings are still relevant today!

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