Don’t waste time trying to impress others- impress yourself!

I spent the majority of the first 29 years of my life trying to be accepted, liked, loved and fit in with all sorts of people. When you don’t know yourself nor do you care to know yourself, you end up spending the majority of your time trying to please other people. People who like you when it’s convenient for them, when you are doing something for them, when you are making them feel better about themselves, etc., but who truly don’t give a fuck about you, where you come from and the shit you have been through.

Sadly, the craziest thing about it is that a lot of us put so much time and effort into these people who could give a fuck about us and then when we die, all of the people we tried to impress and fit in with, etc., won’t remember us anyway!

Since we are all going to die...don’t die kissing people’s asses! I am not talking about your loved ones. I am talking about all these motherfuckers who make you feel like you aren’t good enough or don’t belong.

So, if they aren’t going to remember you and they don’t give a fuck anyway about you, why don’t you just go out there and be who the fuck you are to the best of your ability?! Spend as much time as you can trying to impress yourself. Don’t waste time trying to impress others- impress yourself!

Live a life worth living. You don’t want to find yourself on your deathbed realizing you spent so much time kissing other people’s asses that you never got a chance to kiss your own. By no means and I saying to be cocky or arrogant but I am saying to have enough pride and self-respect that you realize that there are just some people out there who truly don’t give a fuck about you and that’s ok. There are certain people who you just need to shit can! Value yourself enough to identify those people and walk away! Stay hard!

Good read. I hope it touches someone to go out and become the best selves. Share widely to your own timeline, to always remember to always impress yourself.

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