Truth be told, we are all the heroes of our own life stories.

 The World Gives Us Standards, But We Each Have Our Own Special Gifts

The world is quick to impose rules on us, be a "good" student, employee, husband, wife, and responsible citizen, you need to follow certain rules. We fit in by following the rules. The problem is that fitting in means that we act and look like everyone else. By doing so, we prevent others from finding and enjoying our special gifts.

The laid out path, we "should" take is ingrained in us from childhood. You should get good grades, go to college, get a job, buy a house, etc. Anything that is different raises eyebrows. Be careful not to stand out too much. Make sure you do what you're supposed to do. You must follow the script.

There is an issue with these scripts; they are based solely on what most people do. There is no consideration for our hopes, talents, or dreams. Trying to fit society's definition of "normal" can make us lose our unique traits.

Truth be told, we are all the heroes of our own life stories. The things we've experienced, the people we love, the challenges we've faced - these are the things that make our lives meaningful. Despite the world's attempts to define how we should live, only we can decide what path is best for us. It is up to each of us to decide what a life well lived means to us.

When it comes to choosing our own path, what does it take? It's easier and safer to conform. If we live our lives based on wants instead of shoulds, we take an unexpected turn. It is up to us to blaze our own path. We must have the courage to make the difficult decisions and the determination to see them through. We must be willing to take risks and face the consequences. Only then can we truly find our own way.

Let's face it - the world needs originals. People who are willing to color outside the lines. People who refuse to accept limitations. The beginning of every great human creation started with someone embracing their uniqueness instead of conforming to society's standards. Sharing our gifts makes the world a better place.

If you feel pressure to change yourself to fit someone else's rules, remember this: You are not defined by the standards of the world. You should listen to your heart. It knows what makes you unique. Put them to good use. Your original, one-of-a-kind self is what the world needs. Your uniqueness is your power. Embrace your uniqueness and use it to create a life you love. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't be who you are. You are enough. You are perfect. You are special.How will you use it?  

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