Today's generation is used to stomaching so much shit to a point that when you try to be nice they will think you are weak or when acting like a gentleman they will brand you as soft. Have they set their standards so low? Or that's what they are used to? Where are the good apples gone? Be one..
It all boils to how one was raised and above anything else it does not hurt to be nice or kind to your fellow human being. There are still good ones left out there in the world, no matter what you might be going through choose to be kind it pays the best dividend.
There is a saying that goes by "Touch a heart before asking for anything" living in the heart you are free of the social conditioning and are able to treat fellow human beings with decency and courtesy.
The material things we have accumulated and decorated ourselves with should not make us feel high above but it's yours to enjoy since you earned them, but remember at the end of time they become nothing, all it matters is how you lived and the lives you touched when you were on this earth.
Identifying with ego is the biggest enemy, it's limited and it's only a small version of us, egoless there is no limit to who we can be. The reason we have two hands is to serve others.
In the next version of my personal and business life, am going to focus on spreading more positive energy on the internet.
I'll be back to write more...