Feeling a little bit Philosophical today.What is life? it's man's struggle to find meaning in it's suffering. Suffering which is self inflicted. It’s necessary and we cannot avoid it.
We are a result of our thinking, and this is what makes it even harder. When you give too much fucks about everything your suffering is heightened.
a) Giving a fuck about what people think of you, this is worst of them all. Joseph campbell once said “What will they think of me should be set aside for bliss” Magical things will happen when you follow our bliss, the universe will open doors where there were only walls. Don’t let the noise of others drown out your inner voice.
b)Giving a fuck about what others are doing. You start comparing other people’s notes. Relax and take a chill pill. Majority of those people are in shit storm, heavily in debt to live the Instagram show to impress. Social media came and messed us all, we want to show off, the real rich or guys who are killing it don’t have time to show off. You’re probably blessed than you can even imagine. Set your own little goals and move mountains to get there, start with a to do list today, weekly, monthly. You will start seeing the progress.
c) Keeping a useless circle of so called friends. If you find yourself in a circle of people who you are not growing together or can help each other, it’s time to move out. Wake up and read laws of human nature by Robert Greene, people are very manipulative while potraying a very nice front. It’s all about yourself, Find people who help with your bottom line(Balance sheet, i scratch your back your scratch mine, give and take kinda thing ), if you’re not helping me grow or make money, no need to waste life. I guess this is the main reason they are asking us to social distance ourselves.
d)Failing to learn one self. Take time to understand the person you are, reconnect with yourself. Learn your flaws cos that what people can use against you to manipulate or get anything they want from you. Learn how you make decision and how you can make better ones in the future. Set boundaries with everyone and find your own space, be at peace with yourself. Set your hear free and be happy.
All in all it’s all on you to not suffer but to enjoy this life and make the best out of it.
If you ever feel down, pick a gratitude challenge. Everyday for 10 days, write down 10 things you’re grateful for. Example, am grateful for this day for gift of life, My kids, my job,……….. Before day 10 You will feel happier.
Set smart goals.