Health benefits of Apples.

Health benefits of Apples.
-> Maintain your smile-While apples don’t actually clean the teeth, biting and chewing an apple stimulates production of saliva, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria in the mouth.
->Boost your brain-An apple a day could help keep your memory sharp. Quercetin, an antioxidant that is found mainly in the skin, has proven more effective than vitamin C at protecting brain cells from oxidative damage.
->Help protect against cancer-Researchers identified several compounds—triterpenoids—in apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in our liver, colon and breast.
-> Keep the doctor away-Adults who consume apples, apple juice and applesauce are 27 percent less likely to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome —a cluster of health problems linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In addition, these adults had smaller waistlines and lower blood pressure.
-> Decrease risk of diabetes-Ladies who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don’t eat apples. It helps that apples are loaded with soluble fibre—the key to blunting blood sugar swings. A medium apple supplies an impressive four grams of fibre, mostly pectin, which is also known for its ability to lower cholesterol.

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