Seven Moral Principles to live a happy fullfiling Life

To live a happy Life and experience continued success in Business we need values and principles. We tend to have respect and value people with principles. Every entrepreneur or any individual should be well aware of the seven moral principles written in 1992 by Hodgson to live a happy fulfilling life where you are at ease with Yourself, others and the Planet.

1. Dignity of human life: The lives of persons are to be respected. We should never intend or do harm to others. Human beings by the virtue of their existence have value and dignity. Everyone in this planet has a right to live, we have an obligation to honour that right to live. Human life is to be preserved and treated as Sacred, no one has a right to take away life unless instances of self defense.

2 Autonomy: All persons are intrinsically valuable and have the right to self-determination.
We should act in ways that demonstrate each person’s worth, dignity and a right to free choice. We should never use others as mere things or as a means to an end. Each person has an equal right to basic human liberty, compatible with a similar liberty for others.

3. Honesty: The truth should be told to those who have a right to know it. We should speak and act in ways that reflect the way things are in reality. It all about intergrity, truth telling and honour. There are times when others have the right to hear the truth from us and there are times when they do not. One would rather ommit information than tell a lie(Even though that will be based one's Judgement on whether to tell or not)

4. Loyalty: Promises, contracts, and commitments should be honoured. We should honour confidentiality and keep proprietary information secret; honour written and oral contracts; do what one says will do.

5. Fairness: Everyone has a right to be treated fairly, impartially and equitably. Justice includes equal, impartial, unbiased treatment, we should accept people the way they are; their differences, weirdness and diversity in their ideas.
Its everyone’s right to life’s necessities and the duty to ensure them for others; the right of all to fair treatment under work contracts, company policies, and the law; duty to help those in deep need, those in danger, and those who are helpless.

6. Humaneness: 1.Our actions should accomplish good; 2.our actions should avoid evil. Actions should be of benefit to ourselves and others. We should perform good acts, not evil ones; act and speak of benefit to others. We should do good to others and ourselves, Have a concern about the well being of thers like saving the planet for future generations.

7. The common good: Our Actions should accomplish the ‘greatest good for the greatest number’ of people.We should speak and act, whenever possible, for the welfare for the most number of people, as long as individual rights are not violated.

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