What made Steve Jobs, Fords, Edisons, Einsteins, Darwins, Davincis, Michelangelos, Picassos, Freuds, Mozarts and Galileos of History Different from us? Is there a secret to genius? What can we learn? The truth about genius has never been fully Understood, whether geniuses are born, learn in life or acquire but they have common thinking strategies that we can learn.
Genius is not about scoring 1600 on the SATs, High IQ, Breaking world records probably in the Olympics in record time(We cannot classify David Rudisha,Tigerwoods or Hussein Bolt as geniuses). Genius is about thinking differently and creatively. Geniuses think productively and not reproductively tend to come up with many different responses which are unconventional and possibly unique. How do they do that? They have been able to tease out our common thinking strategies and styles of thought this enabled them to generate novel and original ideas.
5 Common strategies with creative geniuses.
1.Geniuses Look at problems in many different ways.
They often are finding a new route/way that no one else has taken. Restructure your problems by looking in different perspectives. Einstein Theory of relativity is a description of the interaction of different perspectives. You should abandon the initial approach that is comes from your past experience and identify new one. Everyone can analyze dreams but it took Freud to ask what meaning dreams carry from our psyche.
2.Geniuses think in opposites.
They think different thoughts or two incompatible subjects. Physicist Niels Bohr believed that if someone held opposites together, then you suspend your thoughts your mind moves to another level. Suspension of thought allows an intelligence beyond thought to act and create a new form. Edison could tolerate two incompatible things, could see the relationship this lead to his breakthrough.
3.Geniuses Produce.
Their most outstanding trait is that they are very productive. Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents. He had a major in every six months and a minor invention every 10 days. Research has found out that the most respected not only produced great works but also bad ones. Out massive quantity of work came quality.
4.Geniuses prepare for chance.
The difference between an average person and a genius is that we attempt to do something and fail then we end up doing something else. We should ask ourselves why we have failed to do what we intended, creative accident provokes a different question:What have we done? Unexpected way is the essential creative act. Edison failed more than 10,000 time before he invented the light Bulb. When you find something interesting, drop everything else and study it, we fail to answer to opportunity's knock at the door because they have to finish some preconceived plan. Creative geniuses do not wait for Gift of chance the seek the accidental discovery.
5. Geniuses Make combinations.
Geniuses make novel combinations than most talented. A genius is constantly combining and recombining ideas, images and thoughts into different combinations in their conscious and subconscious minds. Geniuses are able to look at the same world as everyone else and see something different.