Steve Jobs and Apple Marketing Philosophy that has stood test of time.

In 1977 Steve Jobs and Wozniak were taking orders for the Apple I and looking for venture capital when Mike Markkula injected $250,000 into the company and become a third partner, Markkula was a marketing expert who designed "The Apple Marketing Philosophy," it was three principles that the company has adhered to even since.They are great principles for any startup to emulate.
1: Empathy
Apple should strive for an "intimate" connection with the customers' feelings. "We will truly understand their needs better than any other company," Markkula wrote.
2: Focus
To be successful, Apple should center its efforts on accomplishing its main goals, and eliminate all the "unimportant opportunities."
3: Impute
Apple should be constantly keep in mind that companies and their products will be judged by the message they convey. "People DO judge a book by its cover," Markkula wrote. "We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software etc.; if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be perceived as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities."
These three principles have always served Jobs as Key doctrines which he strongly believed and helped Apple experience Continued growth and creation of insanely great Products.( Steve loved saying Insanely Great and products that make our hearts sing)

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