1. Life is what you make it.
Nobody really cares who and where you are going. It's your own life, it's more like a book, you're the main character and you're the one writing it. Some days you will open pages that you don't like or enjoy but it's all on you, how you choose to respond. We cannot not be anything other than ourselves, you will realise it after you're done copying or imitating others. At 30 it's very clear now, i cannot be Next Facebook Founder or Larry page or Jack Ma or any famous entrepreneur, i can only be me, i can only use my experience and the resources at my disposal to build something that is tailor made to fit my surrounding. Many of us are trapped to wanting to copy paste solutions that have worked in the west ignoring our African terrain. What works in the west may not work the same way in the East or Africa. We all have capacity within ourselves to dream and put in the work to be where we want to be, it does not matter how long it takes but sometimes it's worth the wait or hustle. Not all dreams come true but some do. Most people don't want to put in the work, the disappointments, rejections, late nights, being judged for thinking different(You will be branded as crazy, of course to some extend you are, you see things differently, not what they are but what they could be).
2. Failure is inevitable.
Give yourself room to fail, of course you are going to fail more than you have ever imagined. It's the foundation that you can build a stronger you. Most of ideas you think are so good in your head are going to fail so badly on the marketplace, sometimes not that they are bad but their time has not yet come or you are in the wrong audience(Wrong market). It will also make you humble, and question your opinions or thoughts thoroughly.
3. Privacy
I have come to value my privacy more than anything. I keep close tight circle of friends now, am more concerned on who i let in. not posting your every detail on social media.
to be continued.......
Nobody really cares who and where you are going. It's your own life, it's more like a book, you're the main character and you're the one writing it. Some days you will open pages that you don't like or enjoy but it's all on you, how you choose to respond. We cannot not be anything other than ourselves, you will realise it after you're done copying or imitating others. At 30 it's very clear now, i cannot be Next Facebook Founder or Larry page or Jack Ma or any famous entrepreneur, i can only be me, i can only use my experience and the resources at my disposal to build something that is tailor made to fit my surrounding. Many of us are trapped to wanting to copy paste solutions that have worked in the west ignoring our African terrain. What works in the west may not work the same way in the East or Africa. We all have capacity within ourselves to dream and put in the work to be where we want to be, it does not matter how long it takes but sometimes it's worth the wait or hustle. Not all dreams come true but some do. Most people don't want to put in the work, the disappointments, rejections, late nights, being judged for thinking different(You will be branded as crazy, of course to some extend you are, you see things differently, not what they are but what they could be).
2. Failure is inevitable.
Give yourself room to fail, of course you are going to fail more than you have ever imagined. It's the foundation that you can build a stronger you. Most of ideas you think are so good in your head are going to fail so badly on the marketplace, sometimes not that they are bad but their time has not yet come or you are in the wrong audience(Wrong market). It will also make you humble, and question your opinions or thoughts thoroughly.
3. Privacy
I have come to value my privacy more than anything. I keep close tight circle of friends now, am more concerned on who i let in. not posting your every detail on social media.
to be continued.......