Beat procrastination

If you are able to beat procrastination you can get the best out of you. It happens to everyone of us, it makes us feel human in a way. Its when you put off a task/job that you should be doing now for something more enjoyable.Beating procrastination is all about daring to go against the grain, walking down the unfamiliar paths, trying new stuff not being afraid of failure because they say losing comes with very good lessons.In life there are no mistakes just lessons.

5 simple ways to beat procrastination
i) A To Do list
Come up with a to do list of what you intend to do, its convenient, keeps u focused and you are able to forget about what is not part of your agenda/plan/mission.
ii) Come up with urgent / important matrix
Determine whats you top priority and go ahead and execute.
iii) Set SMART goals
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound  You have to be like a soldier on a mission( You mission in life is to reach your goals), about being realistic(i think we should not be,  if the wright brothers were realistic we would probably have no planes, Be unrealistic we choose to follow the opposite direction)
Iv) Become a master in scheduling and planning you tasks
Become a master in planning and execution of your plans, break in parts, start with small tasks first.
Focus on one task at a time. You will be able to do more by doing less.

i) Break work into smaller manageable tasks, start with the simple tasks.
ii) Reward yourself for doing the task.
What makes most of us procrastinate?
i) Perfectionist- am not saying that you should not be one but it would save you a lot of energy, time and effort to get it right at the first time.
ii) Disorganized - When you are disorganized its hard to tell where to begin hence fall for the temptation of procrastination.
iii) Decision making - polish on your decision making skills.

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