Being an Entrepreneur.

There are many good returns that come as being an entrepreneur. The best feeling is to have success in your own hands i.e. being able to master your destiny and financially stable. You are likely to fail more than one can imagine, before you even taste the sweet smell of success. One of reason you are likely  to fail is little experience in your venture that’s means sometimes you are likely to make awful decision that are likely to crash you. After you stay in the game long enough to really understand yourself i.e. after you get to know your flaws, weak points, able to find someone to compliment your skills and understand your venture i.e. Customer needs and how much it costs for one to make a profit. Benefits outweigh the hardships that make entrepreneurship worth pursuing. I will outline some of the returns/Benefits you are likely to experience as an entrepreneur.

1. Ability to be an innovator- Paint your own world.
One of the most wonderful advantages of being an entrepreneur is the ability to become innovative. You have power in your hands, that ability to create new products, something out of nothing and come up with ideas to meet the needs of an existing market. This is what we call innovation. By being innovative, an entrepreneur’s can cause disruptions and chaos in new industries that lead to break through that is likely to have a huge impact. This can change the way people do or consume things.  In other worlds you have the ability to change the world; one person, one resource and one network at a time. This guarantees that people will keep opening their wallets to have their needs satisfied. In addition to making a profit, innovation builds credibility for the entrepreneur and be viewed as an expert. He or she can continue to create products and ideas for that niche as an expert.
2. Ability of setting your price
You are in a position to build a product that does not exist and determine your own price. You invest your time and money and expect to make a very large return.  This also determines your net worth, are you running a billion dollar company? It’s all determined by the price you set, guarantees profitability and scalability of your business.
3. Freedom to determine your Lifestyle.
You are able to set the kind of income and lifestyle you want to maintain. We have seen people start off with nothing to become self made millionaires in a very short time. We can say they are a little lucky and understood a thing or two, today they are in position to determine what to do, eat, wear or drive and that’s what we call freedom, not having to worry about money. Their drive has grown beyond money, they do things that are fun and change the world, in other words we can say they have a life, never conditioned by the current circumstances, to do or behave in a certain way, they are able to chart their own way”
There are many benefits that come with being entrepreneur especially female entrepreneurs but there is a price you have to pay in order to get there, very few books or articles are written to explain how to become an entrepreneur and the dark side of entrepreneurship. What is an entrepreneur? It’s a journey and a makeup of many things before you achieve the success you desire. It needs a lot of patience, resilience, determination and ability to pick yourself after a setback.

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