Challenges faced when starting a New business In Africa.
We all want to start small businesses for the personal satisfaction, use one’s creativity, be one’s own boss and financial return in the future. Small businesses create jobs; innovate (come up with new ways or products, i.e. something better and cheaper) and create opportunities for others. One will face many challenges as they try to start their own business. If one carefully plans and expects these challenges, one can easily overcome them.
1.     Security - This has led to many entrepreneurs to come up with different ways of combating crime especially theft and burglary. One way being to hire security guards or insure their businesses, which guarantees security, but increases the cost of setting up the business. In some other cases, they prefer to set up their business in places like near a police station which sometimes is not a good site.
2.     Capital – It is one of major challenges that entrepreneurs face; many businesses cannot start without capital it is the engine of the business. One can raise capital through one's saving, contributions from friends and family, loans from banks and investors. Since they do not have a proven track record, no product or prototype this leads to potential investors and banks to become hesitant to invest or give out loans. They want to deal with established businesses where there is minimal risk and guaranteed their returns.  Entrepreneurs should communicate clearly about their idea supported by a well written business plan that will help attract outside funding.
3.     Uncertainty of the prevailing market condition - No one can tell for sure about what will happen the next minute; there is a chance that tomorrow will be a good day. Entrepreneurs cannot be 100% sure about the market conditions which may cause them to change their plans, avoid doing things and sometimes shift their focus. They want the surety and confidence that there is a market for their product or idea before they start. This is the worst fear and reason to why many small businesses never even get started.
4.     Change in trends - The 21st century customer is the most advanced customer with ever-changing tastes and preferences. What is hot today may have no value to the customer three years later. Heavily influenced by technology or change in lifestyle; this may make small businesses either bankrupt or profitable. This may lead to entrepreneurs to procrastinate when it comes to starting their business.
5.     Risk – Every small business involves risk and not everyone have the guts to handle. In starting a business, it involves having no salary for a few months and no revenue; very few people a willing to take such a risk. They better keep their well-paying jobs than start a business.

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