Three things that smart people Know Better.

1.Happiness and success are two different things.
To be happy and successful are two things and different people have different standard or measure of success and happiness. Others consider being extremely successful and happy by building a billion dollar company or fat bank account, that would not bring you happiness cos it comes with a price and your should exist to make a difference (Make lives of others better- That would make you get up every morning to want to change the world, it’s not about the money and in the long run you might find happiness in doing that). 
Sometimes happiness is not clear but if you are doing what you love you are likely to find it, it might not be a financial success but following you passion will bring you happiness, cos it something you love to do and when you engage in it time flies.
The two questions to ask yourself are: - 1. What will make me successful? 2. What will make me happy?
2.Education and intelligence accomplished nothing without action.
It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ, masters in business or a PhD in Quantum Physics, you will never change anything or make any worthwhile progress without taking action.  There exist a big difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Einstein once said that “Your imagination is better than knowledge of any situation.” intelligence and Knowledge are both useless without any action.  It’s that simple and clear.  Take action small daily actions with yield to something.

3.Everyone runs their own business.
It does not matter how you make a living or who do you work for, you work for yourself.  What are you selling, what’s your price (everybody has a price) and to whom?  Whether it’s a full time job you are still running a business in which at the end of the months you should get some returns. People value and respect the way you treat and think of yourself, never ever look down upon yourself and think that what you are asking or dreaming is too high, if your price is too low then am afraid to say that you are cheap. Save some of you time to increase your value (Personal development, learning, watching your finances, saving and investing)

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