The best lessons about life

The best lessons about life you will learn as you go. Here are few things about life you should try to remember.

1.- Success in life is a combination of skill and luck. The only thing you can control is skill and you just hope that luck will find you when you need it

2.- Life is not that complex. If you are to follow simple rules you can go far.

3. - Life is not a race, but a journey, Its all about what you become.

4. - Follow your own path. Life is all about doing things your own way and take your own initiatives. Don't ever try to be like someone else, You will probably suffocate in their shoes, Just be You.

5- Never be afraid of failure. Be afraid of conformity.

6 -You will never fail if you're moving toward something. You fail only if you quit.

7.-The more you are out of your comfort zone, the more alive you feel. Trying things (and failing for the biggest part) is the faster way to move forward.

8- If it makes sense to you, Never be afraid of going against the common way of thinking. Following your way of thinking,it doesn't mean that you are mad.

9- Money has nothing to do with your life's meaning, follow your passions and you will rule the world

10- Facebook is a tool to connect you to the people either for love, business or Networking. Connect and stop wasting your time poking in other people's lives, Mind your own Business.

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