Forget about what your competitor is
doing. What you can do nobody can do better. Think different and map
your own map, where there is no trail. Stop comparing yourself with
anyone else, listen to your inner voice and get going, do what you think you
were put here to do. Keep your dreams and goals close to your heart and take
small daily actions to actualize them. Ignore any negativity on your way and be
focused on doing the only work that matters to you.
Get up early, put on a smile/tie, work as hard as
you can and let nothing shake you. Know your purpose and Keep a sharp focus to
your do’s, you will be able to do more by doing less, say No to 1,000 Things,
Keep the main thing the main thing.
No one has the right to judge you for who you are,
stop seeking validation of your self-worth from others. If anyone talks you out
of your next venture probably tells you that you are likely to fail just tell them
that it’s your problem and not theirs, take a risk(On your death bed your will
regret the things you didn’t do, just because you were scared or someone talked
you out than the things you did).
The moment you stop blaming others for your
mistakes and failures (Losses, poor sales or Customers) you will gain an
awesome power to grow your business. That’s what we call sometimes growing up-
Taking responsibility for everything that happens to us. There are no mistakes
just lessons, how do you expect not to fall when skiing get over it and keep
moving forward.