Don’t chase the paper chase the dream
It not always about the money, you will probably be happier
doing what you love and enjoy. It’s sometimes really hard to do what you love
since you have bills to pay but that should not stop you, who said it’s going to
be an easy ride.
It’s about doing what makes you tickle, feel you are making
a difference. If it’s playing a drum or guitar, exploring you art, start your
business, just do it, stop waiting. If
you are 70% Sure, You have done your Homework, get going, the Trust will come
Doing what you love will ultimately lead to happiness.
Happiness is every one’s dream but the question is, what are you doing to be
happy? Are you doing what you love? How happy are you? What type happiness are
you looking for?
There are three types of Happiness.
1. Pleasure/rock star - You are chasing the next
High Tide.
2. Passion- You are doing what you love, flow,
engagement and time flies.
3. Higher Purpose- You are part of something bigger
than yourself.