Should I or should I not commit Suicide- Meaning of Life.

Should I or should I not commit Suicide – Albert Camus (Question in “The Myth of Sisyphus” Essay)

There is something that one wishes to live for, that makes life worthwhile and this is the meaning of someone's Life. It may be your kids(You would like to look after them as they grow) or your project, business(You would like to make it work).Its more of what makes you tickle or get up in the morning. The meaning of your life is all about the meaning you give it which consists of what we create through identification and pursuing endeavours that fit our interest, talent and abilities. Our lives can be good, flourishing, meaning and also many causes of failure and misery, tragedy and despair, but despite what we face what matters is what we do with it. Like a flower does not choose which colour to became but it chooses to blossom or wither.
We are all lucky but its beyond our control that means we have to keep trying until we find our Luck.

Many people are hesitant to know their meaning of life, like others to do their thinking, want others to tell them what is valuable and how they should live. “Most people would rather die than think”- Bertrand Russell. This people will become uneasy and shut their minds to fear and doubt. Encourage and keep a company of friends who encourage you to think and act for yourself, you will find your true meaning of life.

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