Why over 5 Million Kenyans did not register to vote

Two reasons why over 5 Million Kenyans did not register to vote:-
  1.     Integrity- integrity of the leaders vying for the top positions is in question. Many of our leaders have been involved in corruption scandals and yet no one wants to talk about it. Our constitution by now should be in place and all leaders vying for any elective post should undergo a rigorous vetting process.
  2. Justice- Justice to 2008 post election victims should be served, none of our leaders seems to care, we tend to pretend nothing really happened in 2008, for heaven sake we lost lives and we hope it does not happen again (The memorable one was the incidence of people burned in church, it was sad), we are not pointing a finger on who should be punished but we should let justice prevail.

We do not like talking about politics and this is a topic we will always ignore. We are not here to tell the world about what’s wrong with our country but its of our opinion that something should be done.  If we all had the same opinion or taste we would have a really boring world.

Despite the political challenges, we love our country and proud to be Kenyans, a country of very friendly people; sandy beaches and people travel from all over the country to experience the annual wild beast migration at the Masai Mara, the big five in their natural habitats and our warm climate. Business environment is the best in Africa where you are assured of a return on your investment. 

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